Epson selected in MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index for the first time
Now included in all five domestic ESG indexes used by the GPIF

SYDNEY, 26 July 2022 – Epson has been chosen for the first time as a constituent of the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index, one of the major ESG investment indexes and an index that has been selected by the Japanese Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF).

Epson’s Fujimi Plant

With this, Epson has now been selected for inclusion in all five of the following domestic ESG indexes used by the GPIF, the world’s largest government pension fund:

– FTSE Blossom Japan Index
– FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index
– MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index
– MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)
– S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

The MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index was made up of 305 companies as of June 2022. MSCI, a leading U.S. financial services company, looks at publicly traded companies in Japan, comprehensively considers the ESG-related risks associated within each industry, and selects those companies that demonstrate the best relative ESG performance based on MSCI’s own rating and scoring system.

Epson aspires to achieve sustainability and enrich communities over the long term. The Epson 25 Renewed corporate vision states that the company will focus particularly on businesses that contribute to the environment, and that we will continue to develop businesses that address such societal issues.

Epson’s CSR and SDGs
In the 2020 fiscal year, Epson identified four materialities (priority issues) that it should address in order to contribute to solutions to societal issues and progress toward its aspirational goal of achieving sustainability and enriching communities. Epson selected 12 key sustainability topics that it will act on to achieve the materialities.

After analysing the relationship between the 12 key sustainability topics and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) based on the 169 SDG targets, Epson found that the actions they are currently taking will contribute to all 17 of the SDGs.

For more on Epson’s CSR and SDGs go to:

Picture credits
Epson’s Fujimi Plant
